TPLF secret revealed


"If it is said that the Company X is responsible for a certain setback, then (1) this is a deceptive way of simply attributing the causal (and non-moral) responsibility of the MIShap to an event in which the company X was involved, or (2) This is a form disguised to attribute personal moral responsibility to some key people in the X Company for the setback, or (3) This is an attribution of moral responsibility to the X Company for the setback, an attribution that is not Totally reducing an attribution of moral responsibility to one or more people. The third option is difficult to bear, although it has had its proponents. "


The characterization given by Becker is important; All different types of interpretations are still produced. However, only the third refers to the appropriate ethical corporate responsibility. To better understand the problematic, we have to discuss the agent, or how a collective can be understood as an agent. Basically there are two fundamentally different approaches. Individualists, such as Tuomena (2000), consider collective agents as the sum of individual agents. This means that individuals are understood, since the only primary agents and collective actions are analyzed methodically as actions of different individual agents. This approach is ontologically economic: ontology is still explicit. This approach is called Methodological Individualism. The other approach, which is called Methodological Holism, destroys the ontological economy: allows the appropriate collective actors in ontology, that is, this approach takes the Social Durkheimian facts seriously. Holism can be divided into strong and weak holism, with the dividing line being the character of the collective agent. Durkheim (1982) firmly argues by the independence of collective facts and agents. According to strong holism, collective agents are Hegelian entities. Weak holism interprets collective agents as "plural subjects" who only have relative independence, therefore, individuals exist as a basis of the collective agent (Audi 1995). However, strong holism solves well the problem of collective ethical agents, but the price is quite high: the new agents are not types of usual agents. The relationship between the responsibility of individual agents and the collective agent would still need clarification. In general, it seems that the discussion about collective responsibility is mainly metaphorical.

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