Dr abiy ahmed amazing message


Along these lines, the basic point of view isn't so much aimed at the ePortfolio as instrument of appraisal as such, yet how this apparatus is utilized. Also, the respondent focuses to a focal reflection – that we can't see the ePortfolio as a target outline of a (learning) measure, rather, we should comprehend it as one more method of getting understanding into inventive and intelligent cycles, that has its solidarity in opening for alternate points of view and discoursed with the maker of the portfolio. 


The respondents that gave overwhelmingly sure assessments of ePortfolios as instruments of appraisal highlighted the possibilities of improved straightforwardness for the two instructors and understudies in the learning measures: "When an understudy thinks about her work [as she does in an ePortfolio], the learning measures are built up", "It is a decent way of looking somewhat more profound into the understudy's considerations". 


Computerized abilities 


The vast majority of the respondents showed that you can make ePortfolios with simply fundamental computerized capabilities: "Have the option to utilize a PC", "You can undoubtedly make an ePortfolio with only a couple of advanced skills, in the event that you simply have the premium", "A digit of it expertise", "Capacity to work a PC", "Normal IT abilities", "For the most part important IT abilities to make, utilize and keep up with the portfolio", "Normal IT abilities", "A touch of understanding into IT – can without much of a stretch be gotten from someone else". One respondent took an alternate view fair and square of it abilities, expressing that making an ePortfolio required "great IT abilities". Just one of the respondents focussed on different abilities separated from IT abilities, expressing that, "I should have the option to form my appearance".

Sample Category #1
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