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The Flipped Classroom Network recognizes a Flipped Classroom and Flipped Learning. The Network expresses that numerous instructors may currently flip their classes by having understudies perused text outside of class, watch supplemental recordings, or tackle extra issues, yet to participate in Flipped Learning, educators should consolidate the accompanying four columns into their training: 1) Flexible Environment, 2) Learning Culture, 3) Intentional Content and 4) Professional Educator (Flipped Learning Network 2014). The Flexible Learning Environment implies that instructors regularly genuinely adjust their learning spaces and make adaptable spaces in which understudies pick when and where they learn. Besides, instructors who flip their classes are adaptable in their assumptions for understudy timetables for learning and in their appraisals of understudy learning. 


The Learning Culture implies understudy focused methodology where in-class time is committed to investigating subjects in more noteworthy profundity and setting out rich learning open doors. Understudies are effectively associated with information development as they take part in and assess their learning in a way that is by and by significant. Purposeful Content implies that teachers augment homeroom time to embrace techniques for understudy focused, dynamic learning procedures, contingent upon grade level and topic. Purposeful Content means, that instructors ceaselessly ponder how they can utilize the Flipped Learning model to assist understudies with creating calculated agreement, just as procedural familiarity. Instructors figure out what they need to educate and what materials understudies ought to investigate all alone. Teachers utilize purposeful, significant substance to amplify study hall time to take on strategies for understudy focused, dynamic learning.

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