
Last night unexpected attack on TPLF


The incredible reception ceremony for Actress Meseret Mebrate. Merrate made various films of films in the past and received No1 by the vote of the public to win a price for its incredible actor talent in a drama called Dana. The award-winning artist has been on many radio and television programs since public recognition.


She made several films in recent years. But a film called Gudidifecha helped him acquire massive recognition and admiration in Ethiopia and among the Ethiopian diaspora around the world. Messeret Mebrate studied at Addis Ababa University, currently living in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She married in 2018.


Mebrate Mebrate which is adorably and affectionately known as Mesi was born in Ethiopia Addis Ababa in a place called Gibi Gabriel. She grew up there and was raised by her mother and father. The award-winning artist has a brother and two younger sisters. MESSERET MEBRATE is a beautiful person. She is also a warm and loving person.


The famous Ethiopian actress and celebrity married in April 2018 in a low ceremony. Artist Meseret Mebrate Married Zewedu Shibabaw This is the brother of another Ethiopian artist, Egigayehu Shibabaw.

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