
Abel birhanu breaking news


In 2018, a 27-year-old oppression ended by a monstrous rebellion of Ethiopian individuals, who have said "is the last straw" to the fascism of PLF and his assistants. Under the fascism of the PLF for a long time, Ethiopians were killed in mass and covered in tombs of masses, detained without fair treatment for a long time under the most degraded conditions; tormented and mutilated by the cruel techniques known to man.




TPF's motto was "Let Ethiopia Drene and Ti Gray succeed"




The ERDF has made some movements that seem to cling to the plans established in the proclamation of the PLQT, since it assumed control over the focal government of Ethiopia in 1991. For example, PLF / ERDF has drastically built the Ti Gray area, already They came to control. Before the 1991 revolution, Ti Gray was restricted regionally and financially immature. Since the revolution, in addition to trying to obtain an Eritrean logo (spoke from below), Ti Gray has effectively added fruitful land from the contiguous sites of good and wave within Ethiopia. When it is contrasted and other Ethiopian areas, IT GRAY has encountered financial and improved development unbalanced since 1991.




The years oldering the road to 2018 were overflowing with mass failure against the Board PLF, Harmony and most governments of the Rule. All serene exhibitions were crushed by military power, ending with horrific murder, detention and torments of thousands of Ethiopians without fault, particularly the youth. Numerous who remained never to be discovered, numerous never went back through the devastating torment, and many lost their regenerative potential in light of ruthless mutilation procedures used in them to be involved. The military law became the lifestyle under the PLF.

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