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The general thought that energy love is central in marriage is totally new. In his book on the chronly context of marriage, Stephanie Coontz (2005) shows that this thought became widespread by about two centuries earlier: "people completely gave full gaga and everything through the ages, various couples have considerably venerated . It does not matter, it is only sometimes in history has been considered the defense of management waiting. "Coozz of the additional battles that" in various social orders, love has been considered as an accumulated consequence of marriage in any way not like substantial legitimation to be stopped, no matter. "




In addition, Pascal Bruckner (2013) struggles before, the marriage was blessed and liked, if it existed in some way or form, was a kind of remuneration. Since the heat came to be seen as a key in marriage, love is considered consecrated and marriage as an assistant.




Similarly, the amount of connections has decreased, while divorces, unmarried associates and single-parent families are extending. Bruckner observes that love has prevailed on the wedding, but maybe to obliterate it from the inside.




Given the enthusiastic love of both crucial origin in marriage has refreshed the value of marriage, focuses on it in our lives. It has in the same way, in any case, has made more unusual and uncertain links. The question of whether to leave a marriage in which love is not looking forward to being a major merely for some couples and ardent compromises become a considerable concern.

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