
Artist debebe eshetu interview


Education studies offer students' choice, expanding their point of view and give them countless options for future careers and additional study routes. Education studies aim to help students create networks at the national and international level, create opportunities, explore new topics and realize their own potential.


The pilot study involves all students who complement a eportfolio, using Mahara, when they are on work placement. This multimedia portfolio includes a personal dimension (objectives, objectives, personal declarations), a professional dimension (CV, work plan, supplier information), an academic dimension (link to modules and readings), a reflective dimension (comments of the Mentors of the WP) and a dimension of skills / skills (communication development, problem solving, leadership / initiative, applied knowledge, teamwork and organizational skills).


Apprenticeship communities: a theoretical framework

The lessons of the past have enabled the development of a new learning community of education studies for "a learning community is a diversity of school structures that connect several existing courses - or really restructuring curriculum equipment fully - In order for students to have more comprehensive understanding of the integration of the material they learn and greater interaction between them and their teachers as partners in the learning company "(Gabelnick et al . 1990, 19). The use of the ePorfolio to help students when investing increases the notion of learning communities. Research on learning communities corroborates the change of emphasis on learning by focusing on the individual to learn in a community. Learning communities can be defined as "a group of people sharing and criticizing their practice in a continuous, reflective, collaborative, inclusive way, oriented towards learning, growth growth" (Stoll et al., 2006 , 223) or "pedagogical consultation" team '(Rosenfield 1992, 27). Kilpatrick et al. (2003) Indicate that the definition of the definition used, the common characteristics of the learning communities constitute a common or shared goal, interests or geography, collaboration, partnership and learning, respecting diversity and potential and potential. Improved results. The pilot study was aimed at increasing student participation in the learning community focusing on their degree program.

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