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Educator Alcione da Silva Santos' (Portuguese language and writing) advancement project title was "Film in composed printed sexual orientations: The experience – verbal and visual-verbal texts information". The undertaking was executed in spring term 2017 in Paraíba, Brazil. 


The advancement project was in the Portuguese language and the writing learning project consolidated social examinations and local history. As a case model, the understudies analyzed the old provincial practice of recuperating by regular strategies as a social peculiarity in supporting prosperity locally. The understudies read the subject for instance by talking the older of the local area, who know and practice the custom (See photograph 3 and 4). They made an advanced narrating task of the custom for sharing and loving the old territorial legacy for supporting mindfulness and valorizing the nearby customary culture, language, habits and social curios. 


Alcione da Silva Santos portrays the improvement project as follows: "The work has been created in the EEEFM Minister José Américo de Almeida, in Areia, Paraíba. The task will be held in around five months, and there will be two exercises: the main action is composing classes for 93 understudies from third grade in secondary school, who previously composed the class rundown. What's more, the subsequent one will be the creation of a short fiction film. The principle objective is to foster perusing abilities proposed by benchmarking tests like IDEPB (Education Development Index in the State of Paraíba), which is: Identify what makes the struggles in a plot and the components that form a story. Likewise, it is additionally expected to foster understudies' abilities to peruse components that make up a language for varying media account. The strategies for appraisal are the composition and changing the texts and a consistent and reflexive discourse with the understudies to check if what they use has formal components equipped for creating the normal sense outcome in the peruser/watcher." (Corado et al. 2017, 24.)

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