Dr abiy ahmed yesterday message secret revealed


Day after day of Ethiopian news updates August 11, 2021. News that raised about MSA, and some victory news. During the meeting hung on Tuesday the Ethiopian Finance Minister Ahmed Shide said the two countries had solid chronic bonds sharing a typical culture, social quality, and dialect that filled as a base for higher financial participation.


The Minister also clarified financial collaboration between the two countries has developed to consolidate various fields including the development of the main foundation network in transportation, media communication, electric style, and water that can be consumed.


In addition, Ahmed confirms the responsibility of the Ethiopian government for the progress of monetary connections between the two countries. Ahmed also communicates its strong belief that this visit will be used to complete the achievements and rebuild friendship between the two countries such as future diagrams to bring relationships with other heights.


In this corner, he enables conclusions conclusions to avoid two-fold tax assessments to empower exchanges and efforts between two charities that find examples of Ethiopian organizations, for example, the National Oil Company (NOC) which has included oil station resources and oil terminals in Djibouti.

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