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Mustard seeds, in any case called 'Sarso' or 'Rai' in Hindi, 'Kadugu' (Tamil and Malayalam), 'Avalu' in Telugu, 'Rai' in Gujarati, 'Shorshe' in Bengali, 'Mohori' in Marathi, and 'Rai' in Punjabi. Mustard seeds are an uncommonly notable fixing in American food. Benefits of mustard seeds are various and broadly used for taste ordinarily in wieners, where the mustard sauce is especially loved. It moreover has remedial applications following as far as possible back to the hour of Hippocrates.


It is available in white, brown, and dim combinations and is used by people from one side of the planet to the next. Greeks, Romans, Asians, and Africans have all researched the kind of mustard seeds and have composed them into their cooking styles. Mustard seeds moreover notice their situation in the Bible and their first use record is found in the Sanskrit scripts that date back to centuries.

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