Putin message to Dr abiy ahmed


Addis Ababa has a policy for universal provision of basic services such as water and sanitation, electricity, healthcare, and education, but is struggling to provide equal access to residents, especially the poor who are not formally registered. Women have been playing an increasingly important role in the economy and politics. For example, Enat Bank was established in 2012 with a special focus on reaching women. At the national level, there is female leadership in the highest ranks of government. At the family level, the legal system has been supporting women’s rights as well. For example, in 2005, a law was passed that provides for the division of assets in cases of divorce. In informal circles, it is usually women who lead initiatives and who volunteer. However, this does not always hold true in formal circles. Moreover, because the majority of urban women lack attributes that are required by the formal economy (i.e. education, skills, experience), they benefit less from the growth of the formal economy compared to their male counterparts. For example, while the construction sector is booming, women benefit less as they assume the labor intensive roles while men often take management positions. The government conducts public information sessions as part of planning processes, including meetings and public forums. However, it is unclear how consultative the process really is. Participation in local development decisionmaking is usually considered a formality. Overall, it appears that Addis Ababa needs to strengthen citizen engagement efforts. The city needs to leverage informal initiatives and strengthen formal ones in order to have more efficient engagements. This includes capacity building for city officials and community members alike as well as stronger coordination efforts since there are many fragmented initiatives. Additionally, the government should ensure that there is accountability and transparency. The latter is part of existing objectives but it is particularly problematic when there are political interests involved. Addis Ababa will thus need to consider establishing a citizen engagement platform in a more systematic manner to allow citizens to participate in the elaboration of policies and programs that are aimed at providing services and opportunities for them as well as play a role in monitoring their implementation.

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