Defense force breaking news


Day a day Updated Ethiopian news of August 22, 2021. The official Mitiku Kassa said that the five compassionate offices working in the regional parameters must check whether food aid arrives to ordinary people who need it. Rolls of high energy bread and other nutrient varieties were found in the hands of Colonel Gebrehiwot of TPLF, GebreaLaf, which was abandoned to the public army force.




"The worldwide region, including people in America and different nations, should request how agitators can redirect the guide that has been collected from benefactors for ordinary people," he added. Various global associations reliably transmit food and non-food products to private persons in the Tigray district before and that the public authority delivered the unilateral truce, the Commission has demonstrated.




Individuals from the Ethiopian Diaspora Group Group in the United States raised $ 1,757,304 in the United States for the development of Grand Dam Grand Ethiopian Renaissance (GERD). The expansion of energy is directly identified with the financial advancement of the nation, "said FITSUM Ambassador.




Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Representative of Ethiopia in the United States, Fitsum Arega has provided individuals from the Diaspora region for taking part in the financing of tests in the country.

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