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change measures and DRM, and a new National Policy and Strategy on Disaster Risk Management (NPS-DRM) was adopted in July 2013. In Addis, the responsibility for implementing the NPS-DRM currently lies with FEPRA. However, FEPRA has limited capacity with regard to comprehensive disaster risk management, and limited number of relevant staff as well as limited resources (financial and technological) to carry out its expanding responsibilities. In addition, there is little to no coordination among city agencies and bureaus, including the master plan project office and EPA, as well as no collaboration or support from the federal level such as the Disaster Risk Management and Food Security Sector (DRMFSS). The new unit needs to have defined roles and responsibilities which should include as part of its work program the preparation of a DRM & CCA strategy that would focus on risk management and preparedness for major incidents, a river management plan to address macro-drainage problems, establishment of risk financing mechanisms (including contingency planning), data collection on losses and damages with regard to multiple hazards (to reflect actual costs), and commissioning of studies and analysis of specific risks such as earthquake. With support, FEPRA could play a prominent role in the new unit, providing technical advice and guidance on planning and strategy develop

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